
Welcome to The Red Letter Project's

8 Week Virtual Coaching Program

We are so pumped to have you here.

Over the next few months, you will be learning a ton of information, but don't worry! You will have access to an entire community that will support you all the way through.

In order to get the most from this course, it will be important to not only watch the videos, but also read all of the information included. Additionally, make sure to stay active with your journal and in the online forum.

If you do not yet own a firearm, please consult the "Choosing the Right Firearm" section of this course. It is completely okay, and even recommended, to wait until the middle part of this course to purchase your own firearm if you are able to borrow or rent until you are ready to make a decision.

Plan to spend approximately 2-3 hours working through the online course and homework per week.

You will need the following equipment for this course:

How to Login

You must login using the RLP School Page, you will see the login button on the top right corner: maddy-s-school23.teachable.com... please save this page in your browser.

If any tech issues arise, please contact [email protected] so that we can quickly address it.

Complete and Continue